phpThumb() v1.7.22-202312071641 phpThumb() version = 1.7.22-202312071641 phpversion() = 8.1.27 PHP_OS = Linux $_SERVER[SERVER_SOFTWARE] = LiteSpeed __FILE__ = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ realpath(.) = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] = /include/phpThumb.php $_SERVER[HOST_NAME] = $_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER] =[]=ric|6|6&f=png $_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] = src=../images/baner/g2.jpg&w=172&h=172&fltr[]=ric|6|6&f=png $_SERVER[PATH_INFO] = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ getenv(DOCUMENT_ROOT) = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ get_magic_quotes_gpc() = get_magic_quotes_runtime() = error_reporting() = integer 32767 ini_get(error_reporting) = string(5) "32767" ini_get(display_errors) = string(1) "1" ini_get(allow_url_fopen) = string(1) "1" ini_get(disable_functions) = string(156) "exec,passthru,proc_open,shell_exec,system,popen,dl,posix_mkfifo,posix_mknod,pcntl_exec,pcntl_fork,pcntl_rfork,expect_popen,putenv,apache_setenv,symlink,link" get_cfg_var(disable_functions) = string(156) "exec,passthru,proc_open,shell_exec,system,popen,dl,posix_mkfifo,posix_mknod,pcntl_exec,pcntl_fork,pcntl_rfork,expect_popen,putenv,apache_setenv,symlink,link" ini_get(safe_mode) = FALSE ini_get(open_basedir) = string(572) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" ini_get(max_execution_time) = string(2) "60" ini_get(memory_limit) = string(4) "256M" get_cfg_var(memory_limit) = string(4) "256M" memory_get_usage() = integer 652048 $this->config_prefer_imagemagick = TRUE $this->config_imagemagick_path = NULL $this->ImageMagickWhichConvert() = [actual ImageMagick path used] = string(0) "" file_exists([actual ImageMagick path used]) = FALSE ImageMagickVersion(false) = ImageMagickVersion(true) = $this->config_cache_directory = string(87) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->config_cache_directory_depth = integer 4 $this->config_cache_disable_warning = FALSE $this->config_cache_maxage = integer 2592000 $this->config_cache_maxsize = integer 10485760 $this->config_cache_maxfiles = integer 200 $this->config_cache_force_passthru = TRUE $this->cache_filename = string(242) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" is_readable($this->config_cache_directory) = TRUE is_writable($this->config_cache_directory) = TRUE is_readable($this->cache_filename) = TRUE is_writable($this->cache_filename) = TRUE $this->config_document_root = string(72) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->config_temp_directory = string(87) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->config_output_format = string(4) "jpeg" $this->config_output_maxwidth = integer 0 $this->config_output_maxheight = integer 0 $this->config_error_message_image_default = string(0) "" $this->config_error_bgcolor = string(6) "CCCCFF" $this->config_error_textcolor = string(6) "FF0000" $this->config_error_fontsize = integer 1 $this->config_error_die_on_error = TRUE $this->config_error_silent_die_on_error = FALSE $this->config_error_die_on_source_failure = TRUE $this->config_nohotlink_enabled = FALSE $this->config_nohotlink_valid_domains = array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "" } $this->config_nohotlink_erase_image = TRUE $this->config_nohotlink_text_message = string(38) "Off-server thumbnailing is not allowed" $this->config_nooffsitelink_enabled = TRUE $this->config_nooffsitelink_valid_domains = array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "" } $this->config_nooffsitelink_require_refer = FALSE $this->config_nooffsitelink_erase_image = FALSE $this->config_nooffsitelink_text_message = string(52) "Image taken from" $this->config_high_security_enabled = FALSE $this->config_allow_src_above_docroot = FALSE $this->config_allow_src_above_phpthumb = TRUE $this->config_max_source_pixels = float 44739243 $this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed = FALSE $this->config_border_hexcolor = string(6) "000000" $this->config_background_hexcolor = string(6) "FFFFFF" $this->config_ttf_directory = string(86) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->config_disable_pathinfo_parsing = FALSE $this->config_disable_imagecopyresampled = FALSE $this->phpThumbDebug = integer 9 $this->thumbnailQuality = integer 75 $this->thumbnailFormat = string(3) "png" $this->gdimg_output = object $this->gdimg_source = object $this->sourceFilename = string(92) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->source_width = integer 200 $this->source_height = integer 180 $this->thumbnailCropX = integer 0 $this->thumbnailCropY = integer 0 $this->thumbnailCropW = integer 200 $this->thumbnailCropH = integer 180 $this->exif_thumbnail_width = integer 133 $this->exif_thumbnail_height = integer 120 $this->exif_thumbnail_type = integer 2 $this->thumbnail_width = float 172 $this->thumbnail_height = float 154 $this->thumbnail_image_width = string(3) "172" $this->thumbnail_image_height = float 154.8 strlen($this->rawImageData) = strlen($this->exif_thumbnail_data) = 6353 $this->src = string(92) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" $this->new = NULL $this->w = string(3) "172" $this->h = string(3) "172" $this->f = string(3) "png" $this->q = integer 75 $this->sx = NULL $this->sy = NULL $this->sw = NULL $this->sh = NULL $this->far = NULL $this->bg = NULL $this->bc = NULL $this->zc = NULL $this->ica = NULL $this->file = NULL $this->goto = NULL $this->err = NULL $this->xto = NULL $this->ra = NULL $this->ar = NULL $this->aoe = NULL $this->iar = NULL $this->maxb = NULL builtin_function_exists(exif_thumbnail) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(gd_info) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(image_type_to_mime_type) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(getimagesize) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecopyresampled) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecopyresized) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreate) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromstring) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatetruecolor) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imageistruecolor) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagerotate) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagetypes) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(version_compare) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromgif) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromjpeg) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefrompng) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromwbmp) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromxbm) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromxpm) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromstring) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromgd) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromgd2) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagecreatefromgd2part) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagejpeg) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagegif) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagepng) = TRUE builtin_function_exists(imagewbmp) = TRUE gd_info.GD Version = string(5) "2.3.3" gd_info.FreeType Support = TRUE gd_info.FreeType Linkage = string(13) "with freetype" gd_info.GIF Read Support = TRUE gd_info.GIF Create Support = TRUE gd_info.JPEG Support = TRUE gd_info.PNG Support = TRUE gd_info.WBMP Support = TRUE gd_info.XPM Support = TRUE gd_info.XBM Support = TRUE gd_info.WebP Support = TRUE gd_info.BMP Support = TRUE gd_info.AVIF Support = TRUE gd_info.TGA Read Support = TRUE gd_info.JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support = FALSE exif_info.EXIF Support = string(7) "enabled" exif_info.EXIF Version = string(0) "" exif_info.Supported EXIF Version = string(4) "0220" exif_info.Supported filetypes = string(10) "JPEG, TIFF" ApacheLookupURIarray() -- FAILED $_GET[src] = string(22) "../images/baner/g2.jpg" $_GET[w] = string(3) "172" $_GET[h] = string(3) "172" $_GET[fltr] = array(1) { [0]=> string(7) "ric|6|6" } $_GET[f] = string(3) "png" $_GET[phpThumbDebug] = integer 9 $this->debugmessages: * phpThumb() v1.7.22-202312071641 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 279 * setParameter(config_document_root, string(72) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_directory, string(87) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_disable_warning, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_directory_depth, integer 4) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_maxage, integer 2592000) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_maxsize, integer 10485760) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_maxfiles, integer 200) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_source_enabled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_source_directory, string(94) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_source_filemtime_ignore_local, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_source_filemtime_ignore_remote, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_default_only_suffix, string(0) "") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_prefix, string(50) "") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_cache_force_passthru, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_temp_directory, string(87) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_max_source_pixels, float 44739243) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_prefer_imagemagick, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_imagemagick_use_thumbnail, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_imagemagick_path, NULL) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_output_format, string(4) "jpeg") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_output_maxwidth, integer 0) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_output_maxheight, integer 0) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_output_interlace, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_image_width, integer 400) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_image_height, integer 100) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_message_image_default, string(0) "") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_bgcolor, string(6) "CCCCFF") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_textcolor, string(6) "FF0000") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_fontsize, integer 1) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_die_on_error, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_silent_die_on_error, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_error_die_on_source_failure, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nohotlink_enabled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nohotlink_valid_domains, array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "" } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nohotlink_erase_image, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nohotlink_text_message, string(38) "Off-server thumbnailing is not allowed") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_enabled, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_valid_domains, array(1) { [0]=> string(35) "" } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_require_refer, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_erase_image, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_watermark_src, string(26) "/demo/images/watermark.png") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_text_message, string(52) "Image taken from") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_border_hexcolor, string(6) "000000") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_background_hexcolor, string(6) "FFFFFF") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_ttf_directory, string(86) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_high_security_enabled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_disable_debug, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_allow_src_above_docroot, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_allow_src_above_phpthumb, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_allow_parameter_file, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_allow_parameter_goto, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_http_user_agent, string(87) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_disable_pathinfo_parsing, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_disable_imagecopyresampled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_disable_onlycreateable_passthru, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_http_fopen_timeout, integer 10) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_http_follow_redirect, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(config_allow_local_http_src, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 160 * setParameter(src, string(22) "../images/baner/g2.jpg") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * resolvePath: /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ (allowed_dirs: Array ( ) ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1243 * resolvePath: iteration, path=/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/, base path = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1262 * open_basedir: "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1229 * resolvePath: stop at component 11 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1278 * resolvePath: stop at path=/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1281 * resolvePath: path parsed, over in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1287 * setSourceFilename(/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ set $this->sourceFilename to "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 347 * setParameter(w, string(3) "172") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * setParameter(h, string(3) "172") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * setParameter(fltr, array(1) { [0]=> string(7) "ric|6|6" } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * setParameter(f, string(3) "png") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * setParameter(phpThumbDebug, integer 9) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 397 * $CanPassThroughDirectly=false because $_GET[fltr;f] are set in file "phpThumb.php" on line 480 * $CanPassThroughDirectly="0" && $phpThumb->src="/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" in file "phpThumb.php" on line 491 * $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;ico;bmp;wbmp;gif;avif;webp;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1071 * $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1083 * $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->f "png" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1090 * $this->thumbnailQuality set to "75" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1100 * SetCacheFilename() _src set from md5($this->sourceFilename) "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" = "67496916b98410eadaf3a96af0580a59" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3693 * SetCacheFilename() _par set from md5(_fltrric|6|6_h172_w172_dpi150) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3732 * Would have used cached file, but skipping due to phpThumbDebug in file "phpThumb.php" on line 70 * * Would have sent headers (1): Last-Modified: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:36:16 GMT in file "phpThumb.php" on line 71 * * Would have sent headers (2): Content-Type: image/png in file "phpThumb.php" on line 73 * * Would have sent headers (3): Location: /include/cache//6/67/674/6749/phpThumb_cache_wiedzaduchowa24.sennik-mistyczny.pl_src67496916b98410eadaf3a96af0580a59_par822082ff4e1d3c1f51b788d3647ade17_dat1706980460.png in file "phpThumb.php" on line 76 * resolvePath: /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ (allowed_dirs: Array ( ) ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1243 * resolvePath: iteration, path=/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/, base path = /home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1262 * resolvePath: stop at component 9 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1278 * resolvePath: stop at path=/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1281 * resolvePath: path parsed, over in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1287 * $this->sourceFilename set to "/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 988 * $this->cache_filename already set, skipping SetCacheFilename() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3649 * starting ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3486 * getimagesize(/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ says image is 200x180 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3496 * $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1723 * ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because ImageMagickCommandlineBase() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2462 * ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3535 * SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() starting with "200"x"180" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3465 * SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() setting w="172", h="172" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3481 * EXIF thumbnail extraction: (size=6353; type="2"; 133x120) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3594 * starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3863 * starting ImageCreateFromFilename(/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3773 * ImageCreateFromFilename found ($getimagesizeinfo[2]==2) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3784 * Calling imagecreatefromjpeg(/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3794 * Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->gdimg_source is already set in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3931 * CalculateThumbnailDimensions() starting with [W,H,sx,sy,sw,sh] initially set to [200,180,,,,] in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3337 * CalculateThumbnailDimensions() starting with [x,y,w,h] initially set to [0,0,200,180] in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3352 * CreateGDoutput() returning canvas "172x154" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3460 * ImageResizeFunction($o, $s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 172, 155, 200, 180) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4564 * memory_get_usage() after copy-resize = 486320 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 481 * memory_get_usage() after imagedestroy = 486432 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 483 * AntiOffsiteLinking() checking $_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER] "[]=ric|6|6&f=png" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2625 * AntiOffsiteLinking() - "" is in $this->config_nooffsitelink_valid_domains ( in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2637 * AntiOffsiteLinking() says this is allowed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2654 * Attempting to process filter command "ric(6|6)" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2822 * Using alpha ApplyMask() technique in file "phpthumb.filters.php" on line 36 * RoundedImageCorners(6, 6) succeeded in file "phpthumb.filters.php" on line 908 * Finished processing filter command "ric(6|6)" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3262 * skipping AlphaChannelFlatten() because ($this->thumbnailFormat == "png") in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2719 * GenerateThumbnail() completed successfully in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 495 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() set to purge (30.0 days; 10.00 MB; 200 files) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 806 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 zero-byte files in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 855 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files based on (config_cache_maxfiles=200) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 873 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files based on (config_cache_maxage=2592000) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 896 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files based on (config_cache_maxsize=10485760) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 918 * CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files (from 53) based on config settings in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 932 * imageinterlace($this->gdimg_output, 1) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 528 * RenderOutput() attempting imagepng($this->gdimg_output) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 531 * Specified thumbnailQuality "75" is outside the accepted range (0-9, or -1). Using 6 as default value. in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 575 * RenderOutput() completing with $this->outputImageData = 74037 bytes in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 655 * RenderToFile(/home/dbvsevbbit/domains/ succeeded in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 684 * Would have used cached file, but skipping due to phpThumbDebug in file "phpThumb.php" on line 70 * * Would have sent headers (1): Last-Modified: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:36:16 GMT in file "phpThumb.php" on line 71 * * Would have sent headers (2): Content-Type: image/png in file "phpThumb.php" on line 73 * * Would have sent headers (3): Location: /include/cache//6/67/674/6749/phpThumb_cache_wiedzaduchowa24.sennik-mistyczny.pl_src67496916b98410eadaf3a96af0580a59_par822082ff4e1d3c1f51b788d3647ade17_dat1706980460.png in file "phpThumb.php" on line 76 $this->debugtiming: * 1714287852.788561 : phpThumb() constructor in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 278 * 1714287852.772437 : phpThumb.php start in file "phpThumb.php" on line 127 * 1714287852.789458 : phpThumbDebug[0] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 218 * 1714287852.789491 : phpThumbDebug[1] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 278 * 1714287852.789501 : phpThumbDebug[2] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 380 * 1714287852.814995 : phpThumbDebug[3] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 418 * 1714287852.815117 : phpThumbDebug[4] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 485 * 1714287852.815122 : phpThumbDebug[5] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 579 * 1714287852.815909 : skipped using cached image in file "phpThumb.php" on line 69 * 1714287852.816211 : phpThumbDebug[6] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 595 * 1714287852.816235 : phpThumbDebug[7] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 660 * 1714287852.887023 : phpThumbDebug[8] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 670 * 1714287852.912077 : skipped using cached image in file "phpThumb.php" on line 69 * 1714287852.912224 : phpThumbDebug[9] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 703 * Total processing time: 0.139787